(MATRL204L4) Review of Spin (supplemented with Griffiths QM)#

Books used for this section:

  • Intro to Quantum Mechanics by Griffiths 3rd Ed.

Recall that from our last lecture, we have derived the vector potential used for the magnetic field, a coordinate free expression of the magnetic field. The vivid physical reality of electrons in a Magnetic Field can be explained on a few different levels.

  • Electron in a Magnetic Field

    1. magnetic dipole moment \(\vec{m}\) or some books might use \(\vec{\mu}\)

    2. Separate components to the spin,

      1. Electron Spin Dipole moment

      2. Electron Orbital Dipole moment

    3. Zeeman Effect, which uses perturbation to account for the dipole moment under a uniform external magnetic field \(\vec{B}\).

Hamiltonian of the Spin#

Save it for later. Don’t have time to focus on this

Clebsch Gordan Coefficients for wavefunctions#

Save it for later. Don’t have time to document this yet.