Random ideas?#

Potentially a bunch of bad ideas that are just a waste of time?#

  • Self study semiconductor device physics? (probably the most important and really worthwhile as a device and epitaxy engineer)

  • An interactive map that plots the uprising of religions/civilizations/etc with respect to time?

  • My attempt at solving any Qualifying Exams’ problems (as a prep work for grad school and passing the free-response questions, haha)?

  • Self-study in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning? Pursuit of a computational black box?

  • Convergence in the method of steepest descent from Complex Analysis?

  • BS flavored politics? haha

Hey! Time enjoyed getting wasted is not wasting time, right?

Scratching my head again…#

What are the four types of invariance in physics again?

  1. Translational

  2. Rotational

  3. Time-reversal

WHich one is the 4th one again?